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Featured Forgotten - Pauly Shore  

Remember Encino Man? Pauly Shore stole the movie and was clearly the best-known actor in the movie at the time. But that clock can be cruel as flick-mates Sean Astin and Brendan Fraser went on to create Hollywood epics while this was, well, Pauly's shining moment.

Yes, he may have been fortunate enough to have the owner of The Comedy Store as a mom. That wasn't just a foot in the door -- it was a concrete boot! But what became of Pauly Shore? Yes, Biodome was a horrendous career-killer, but it didn't stop Stephen Baldwin from become a big-time B-list celebrity! But Pauly will never go away -- bud-dee -- as long as the Internet can keep him around.

The site, is at:



  • Site Design: 5 Stars - Top notch. Great animated graphical layout. Intuitive. Well done.
  • Site Content: 4 Stars - There's no showboating here. Even if you hated the guy in his MTV glory days he comes off as the kind of guy you would love to hang with -- or at least let bang your sister. But it seems as if the guy spent way too much time at his mother's comedy club instead of hitting the books. There's nearly a typo in every page.
  • Self-Humiliation Level: 1 Stars - Down-to-earth and brutally frank about his Once Famous status. Asked when his next movie is coming out he offers up that Hollywood isn't offering him any more starring roles? Asked why, he counters that every movie he made produced less cashola than the one before it. That's an honest ego in check there. The low score here is a good thing. Rock on, Pauly!

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